Sign up to be part of the European citizen science project “Melanogaster: Catch the Fly!” (#MelanogasterCTF) in which scientists, students and teachers of secondary education already participate.
Date: June 28, 2018
Place: Ramón y Cajal Room. Barcelona Biomedical Research Park.
C / Dr. Aiguadé 88, 08003 Barcelona
Morning 9:00 am to 1:00 pm
- From genotype to phenotype: identification of genes, molecular genetic and epigenetic mechanisms, and the most relevant characters for adaptation.
- Third Generation Sequencing: introduction to new genomic sequencing techniques and bioinformatics tools.
- Coffee break
- CRISPR / Cas9: genomic editing technique
- Visit to the laboratory: Evolutionary and Functional Genomics. Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE, CSIC-UPF).
Afternoon from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
- Presentation of the citizen science project Melanogaster, Catch the Fly!: educational materials and resources
- Presentation of the participation experience by teachers from the Eladio Cabañero High School (Tomelloso, Ciudad Real, Spain), and the José de Mora High School (Baza, Granada, Spain)
- Coffee break
- Workshop: How to collect and classify fruit flies
- Co-creation workshop: outreach activity about their participation in the project.
- Registration is free.
- Teachers:
- Biologists or undergraduate students:
- Coffee breaks and lunch included in the registration.
- Mobility grants (travel and accommodation) for attendees.
With the funding of: