The students and teachers of Niño Jesús School (Burgos) have joined the #MelanogasterCTF project participating in the collection and classification of biological samples of Drosophila in autumn 2021.

The Niño Jesús school, since its origins in the 19th century, has been characterized by educational innovation, by promoting entrepreneurship, creativity and critical thinking, which
provides knowledge of things. We promote education in values and personalized attention.
Since 2015 we have been in a new location, C / Infantas, 5. Additionally, we have completely new facilities adapted to the latest technologies.

In this last year, we have taken another step and we have launched the Entrepreneurial High School Education. This Entrepreneurial High School Education tries to bring students closer to the university and business world through projects with companies and universities that collaborate with us.

Lourdes Aldea Segura (Science Teacher))

“Melanogaster catch the fly” project fits perfectly with our philosophy. It will allow students to apply their knowledge of science in a practical way (which will undoubtedly improve their learning), to awaken their curiosity and to see the importance of cooperative and multidisciplinary work. This experience, I am sure, will help them in their training and will motivate them in a very positive way for the future.

School Principal

This project connects in a unique way with the Entrepreneurial High School Education. This is one of the projects that develop our commitment to students, families and companies to reinforce innovation, orientation and encouragement towards further studies at universities. Projects such as “Melanogaster catch the fly” reinforce the leadership of our students, from motivation, flexibility and connection with different areas to collaborate in a research project of world significance. I appreciate the enthusiasm of all the agents who actively participate in this kind of projects and make it possible for the students of the educational stage of high school to make their contribution.


It seemed to me a great initiative on the part of our teacher to get into this project with repercussions at the European level because we have been able to feel part of the research process even in a small part. In addition, we have learned to work in the laboratory as a team, helping each other and distributing roles within the same group so that each member is in charge of a task. This has not been easy at first, but later when our teacher decided to make the groups smaller, these tasks became much more enjoyable. In summary, it has been a good experience as a science work. Pedro Torrecilla Saavedra

I found it an interesting activity because we have learned something new about these flies that we had not noticed before. It is a fun way of giving classes, more enjoyable. We also learned how to look at them with the magnifying glass, how to anesthetize them and manipulate them to know if they were male or female and what their species was. Sofia Ces Morales

It has been a very entertaining activity in which we have learned a lot about the field work and the D. melanogaster. In addition, I want to point out that we have had good times with the classmates and the teacher. She would be delighted to do it again. Daniel Alonso Carretero

Being able to learn about Drosophilas, to distinguish the different species, whether they are female or male, and to get to capture them ourselves is an experience that I have liked a lot and in which I have come to learn a lot. Luna Herranz Garcia

I found it an interesting activity because we have learned many things in a fun and enjoyable way. Raúl Salazar Orive

I have learned how to work in a laboratory. I have realized how long it takes to conduct an investigation. Carlota Abel Quevedo

I have found it to be a very interesting and enjoyable activity for the students. You learn in a different way. In addition, performing these activities provoke you to pay more attention and to work with more desire and motivation. Daniel Jaúregui Díez

Jaime Recio Ulloa (Farmer)

As a fruit grower and gardener who has been working in the fields for 26 years, I cannot understand the survival of my crops without the preservation of the environment. Both must walk hand in hand. Without a healthy environment and without pollution, crops will not be able to provide healthy food for the population.

Climate change is already noticeable in our fruit trees and in our orchards in the form of new pests, diseases, droughts and frosts. Our elders followed the calendar to carry out agricultural work. But in recent years, the weather has become unpredictable causing countless damage to crops.

For all this, I am very grateful that there are people who dedicate their time and effort to research programs that are related to the preservation of the environment, climate change and its consequences. I am willing to offer my collaboration in these projects. Thanks a lot

Photo Gallery
  • Sample collection and classification (Autumn 2021):